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Spring Cleaning with Elesia Carey

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While many of us look forward to putting those harsh Winter days behind us and welcoming in Spring, we may not be so welcoming to the idea of Spring Cleaning. But this is the perfect time of year to not only spruce up your home, but take that decluttering and make a significant impact in your life.

Feng Shui Interior Design Expert, Elesia Carey, has joined me to chat about some important areas to focus on this year. Let's not let that Spring Cleaning stress us this year, and Elesia has some great tips to help keep that stress minimal.

Hey there Elesia. How are you today?

I'm excellent, Brynn. Thank you so much for chatting with me today. I appreciate it.

It's always such a pleasure to get to chat with you. Now it is already that time to think about Spring Cleaning and decluttering the house. We all want to make sure that we've dusted everything and it looks spotless and brand new.

Yes, and believe it or not. I was just thinking about how Spring time is like the Super Bowl for Feng Shui. And every Feng Shui person will tell you the number one reason for why your life or areas of your life are stuck is simply if you look around your home at things that are broken, dusty, need to be repaired, or you just need to reorganize. That's why Feng Shui practitioners and designers like myself love this time of year because this is when people do what they need to do. Once you follow what you need to do with the clearing of the clutter is when you will see movement in those areas of your life.

Now Spring Cleaning can also bring on a lot of stress because it can become a big project so what are some areas that we should focus on without feeling that stress?

One of the things that I recommend is don't do everything in one day. Sometimes if you're really not physically and mentally up for a deep clean then I always say that my three top areas are the bathroom, the bedroom, and the kitchen. Sometimes even when you know you want to do something, but you don't have the energy to do one room then you can do a drawer. Literally just clean out the junk drawer in your kitchen. We all have that drawer that is filled with outdated things, and the moment you do that and reorganize just one drawer then you will see things in your life start moving.

Trust me on this one. I did this on Sunday where I cleaned out a drawer and then I received a call about something that I had been thinking about the next day. I'm not saying this is magic, but what I am saying is that we are our homes and our homes are us. So if there's clutter in your home or a junk drawer that needs dusting out then imagine what will happen when you take the clutter out. You will see that something will have shifted because of your actions.

That is such a cool correlation to think about. Maybe for a lot of people that one area has been a project for months that they keep putting off. Once you get to it then it can really be quite a weight off of your shoulders.

It is. It makes you feel great. I don't know what it is, but it's like taking a bath. How many times have we all felt a little down and out and then come home after a long day to take a really great shower or a relaxing bath? Then after that, you come out clean and feel energized and like a brand new person. That's the theory to also apply to your home, your bedroom, your kitchen, etc. That's what happens to that space when you give it a good cleaning. It's refreshed, it's renewed, it's energized, and it will actually give you a different feeling/energy in that particular space.

And with that decluttering, I would think that the medicine cabinet would be a great area because many of us forget to throw out items from the summer or from a couple years ago.

Well that's really funny because in Feng Shui the medicine cabinet is a big one too. In Feng Shui, your bathroom is related to your self esteem. The reason for that is because that's where you clean yourself and that's where you brush your hair, brush your teeth, and apply makeup. So that is where you feel and look beautiful. So you want to attack that medicine cabinet, and take out those things like makeup that hasn't been used in years and outdated prescriptions.

You want to clean it out then refill it and stock it with things you need. Trust me, you will feel better, look better, and this is a special time of year to do something for yourself so for me that's means putting a new diffuser in my bathroom or even buy myself a really amazing bottle of bubble bath. The point is to stock it with something that will make you feel special.

I like that idea. Don't just have the necessities but also the items that help to make you feel great and relaxed at the same time. It's important to treat ourselves to something especially if we had a stressful day or a bad day. Now where can people go for more information about more of these great tips? But we will have to do another segment on more tips for Spring Cleaning.

Without a doubt we will. So yes, please check out my Facebook page at Feng Shui Interior Designs By Elesia. I have some amazing tips about how you can update and refresh your life with some Feng Shui interior decorating tips.

And thank you so much for joining me today, Elesia.

Have a wonderful day. Happy Spring, and I will see you on part two.

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