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33 Days of Romance

No matter how big or small, challenge yourself to do one romantic act a day.  Here's what I did.

Day 1

It's fitting that I'm starting this challenge on a Monday, because typically these are the hardest days in my relationship with my boyfriend.  We work two different shifts (I'm day and he's night), but Mondays are also the night that I go salsa dancing so we barely see each other that day.


So for today's challenge I want to surprise him in a little way, and thought about the fact that on my way to salsa I have to pass by his work.  So as a little gesture, I've decided to leave a little love note on his car.  I've had to meet him at work before for some occasions so he doesn't have to back track by coming home, so I know around where he parks his care.  Now I could just stop at the note on the car, but I also want to leave him something for when he gets home.  So I'm planning to write a little poem to put on his pillow.


These might seem small, but they are some little ideas to show him how much he means to me.

Day 2


Today's romantic challenge took me a little while to think of.  I wanted to do something that I don't always do, and didn't want it to necessarily be something that was an actual object.


Then I thought about the fact that he works until late at night, and it would probably be nice to come home to a back massage.  Like I said yesterday, it might seem small, but the thought behind it means more.  How nice would it be for him to come home after a hard day at work to a nice, relaxing massage?

Day 3


My idea for Day 3 is about wanting to spend some quality time with him.  I casually mentioned to him this morning about renting a movie that he wants to see on Redbox and watching it when he gets home from work.  


With us on slightly different schedules, it means that there are less hours in the day where we can see each other, so I'm willing to stay up late to spend some time with him and have a little movie night.


Now in addition to my idea of watching a movie, I plan to get some ice cream that we like, make some popcorn, and maybe find some movie candy for us to have.  Even in the midst of busyness or different schedules, it's important to make the effort to spend time with the person you love.

Day 4


So I had gotten in the habit of thinking of things to do when he got home from work, and decided that today's romantic act would be a smile to start his day off right.  


Rather than leave him forging for breakfast and deciding what to eat, I decided to go for something I don't really make (let alone on days where we are getting ready for work).  For us this didn't require getting up too early because neither of us has to be into the office really early.


But the breakfast I ended up making him was something simple.  It was pancakes.  I think the last time I made them was on his birthday.  So rather than have him find that box of cereal or packet of oatmeal, I took the time to make something to try and help get his day off to a bright start.

Day 5


A romantic act doesn't have to actually be something you do for the other person.  It could be making an extra effort to give them more time, it could be giving them some alone time if you are together a lot, or it could even be as sweet as a text message or phone call.


So for today's romance, I chose to send some sweet texts.  Something to let him know that he's on my mind while I'm at work.  Now if you do this, send them at appropriate moments in the day so you won't get in trouble with the management at your job.


Sometimes a sweet message letting the other person know how much you care about them says a lot.

Day 6


As women we tend to let our minds get cluttered with a lot that sometimes we might find ourselves hearing something, but maybe not really listening to what was being said.


So while today's romantic challenge is something we should be doing all the time, I want today to be a start to really listening to him.  So if I'm in the middle of something, I'll stop and give him my full attention.  If I'm about to grab something from the other room and he starts to say something, I'll turn to face him to hear him out and then get what I needed.


It's about finding the balance of multi-tasking without giving something less than 100%.  So to really listen, stop what you're doing for a moment and turn to face him.  Show him that you really care about what he has to say.

Day 7


Today's task is something that I've done for him before, but I did it this time without jokingly giving him a hard time of me being a maid.  While the Philadelphia Eagles game was on, we went to do laundry.  I let him sit and enjoy the game (well, they lost and so enjoy may not be the best word), while I did my laundry and then did his.


Whether it's something you do everyday for the person, it's taking the extra moment to think about why you're doing it.  The answer is because you love them.  So while other times I may give him a hard time about doing his laundry, it's something to help him out.  He doesn't have to find time in his schedule, or he can focus on something that he would rather be doing.

Day 8


Today, I want to do something cute for him.  Something that will make him smile.


So I thought about taking post it notes and putting them in places around the house where I know he will be.  I'm not yet sure how many notes I will leave, but my thought is to put simple messages on it.  


Kind of like what the pictures to the left shows.  Things that I love about him, and other ways to show him how much he means to me.

Day 9


Today's challenge may seem small, but how does it feel when you are going about your normal day and look down and see a simple text message and know that someone's been thinking of you throughout the day?


That's why I selected this today.  Today, he works an 8-5 shift so this morning I decided to send a text letting him know I  was thinking about him.  I told him all the things (well most) that I loved about him.  It was a lengthy text, but it made him smile and feel appreciated.  


Sometimes showing someone how we feel is perfect with words or something as simple as a text message.

Day 10


So today's challenge goes with yesterday's a little bit.  Sometimes what we tell something means even more than what we can do for them or get them.  So today is about building up the person.


Everyone loves to receive a compliment.  From a confidence booster with their look to a job well done.


A compliment is something simple to turn a day around.  It can put a smile on someone's face, and maybe even make them laugh.  It's a great way to show him how much you appreciate him for doing something or how much you like something that he chose to wear today.  It's definitely a great way to make sure you're not taking advantage of the everyday things, and paying attention to even the small details.

Day 11


Well, you may have wondered when this one would pop up in the 75 day challenge.  But I have a slight twist because it shows you're thinking of them even more.  Don't intend to go out and buy a gift.  Rather while you're out doing something, keep an eye out for something he might like.  It could be something small, an inside joke between you two, or even something on a bigger scale.


I found my gift when I was grocery shopping and they had some Philadelphia Eagles jerseys for sale.  So rather than just make it a surprise, I texted him when I saw it asking if he would like that and what player he wanted.  Unfortunately getting the player he wanted didn't happen because they only had one jersey left in his size.


But it was still something nice to get him and showed him that I was thinking of him.

Day 12


Today's challenge was not just a date night like the picture to the left suggest, but actually doing something that he wants to do.  In my situation, he had the day off and I left for about 8 hours to go to work.  Even though we had that time a part, I thought it would be nice to spend the evening how he wanted to spend it.


This could mean going out to dinner, seeing a movie, playing a round of golf, or even just sitting at home watching TV.  It's important to make sure his interests are take care of just as much as yours.

Day 13


This was a day of spending time together.  For our birthdays we were given two tickets to a series of wine tastings where we traveled to about 4 different wineries, tasted the different flavors, and sat down and relaxed.


It was something we don't get to do often where we get the whole day to ourselves (well, other than a DD of course).  The day was beautiful and we just had fun together.

Day 14


So despite a rather fun weekend of wine tastings and then family events, we had been running around a bit this weekend.  Sunday night when we got home, we decided it would be nice to just relax and watch a movie together.  So we grabbed a blanket and searched through the channels on TV for something that looked good.


We ended up stumbling upon the series finale of Breaking Bad, which we hadn't yet seen.  We had a marathon of the series, but unfortunately were not up to the finale just yet.  So we stayed up late chatting and watching TV and just relaxing with each other.

Day 15


Today's challenge is with music.  How often have you heard a song come on the radio, and thought that it reminds you of someone special?


Well, rather than just keep those lyrics as a thought, think about sending them to your sweetie.  Sometimes when we feel that words can't describe a feeling enough, song is the perfect outlet.

Day 16


Today's challenge to surprise your sweetie.  When he needs to get something done he will borrow my computer or search for it on his iPhone.  He has a computer, but it's actually still packed up.


So I thought it would be a nice surprise to pull out his laptop and get it charged up and working.  Well, this slightly failed because I couldn't find his charger.  


On a positive note, what I did find was something he has been looking for for a while.  He has a pair of these Adidas padded sandals and one of them went missing.  They are really comfortable so he was a little disappointed that it disappeared.  Lucky me, I found it and got to surprise him with the match so he could wear them again.

Day 17


Today's challenge was something I thought would be cute.  How often do you get to reflect back on the first time you two met or even the first date?  Even getting insight from the other person abou their first thoughts of you as the date began.


So this morning that was a sweet thought that we had.  We were texting about things like what we were thinking as we approached each other.


It was something fun, and maybe on a future day in the challenge a task will be to relive that first date.

Day 18


So for today's challenge, I woke up a little earlier to make the lunch/dinner that he would bring to work.  Now typically when I make my dinner the night before, I will make enough that there are leftovers for him.  The only thing was last night I volunteered at an event at church where they gave us dinner.  So last night I didn't have to make it.  


But I felt that he shouldn't have to scrounge for something for dinner because I wasn't home and set my alarm a little earlier than normal to be able to get up and make him a little something for lunch/dinner at work.  My original plan was a chicken caesar salad, but I discovered I need to buy more spinach.  So I went with another thing he likes...tuna fish. 


So even though the meal was something small, it was still something that showed him I was thinking of him and making that extra bit of time for him.

Day 19


Today's challenge isn't about being a maid, but about doing little things to serve him.  I typically get in earlier in the morning, but he wakes up early enough that we get to see each other for a little before going to work.


Why not take a few moments to get him coffee and breakfast?  Maybe even let him relax in bed a few extra moments and start the water for his shower.  


Just think of little things to do for him in the morning.

Title. Double click me.

Day 20


So today was a little bit different of way to spend a Saturday.  He was very sweet and like he always does came to work with me in the morning.  Then I had to go down to my parent's house to clean out my room there and bring winter clothing to my apartment.  So he came down with me.  


He gave up his Saturday for me.  


I feel that I still need to find something to do for him that really shows how much that meant.  But while I was cleaning up and packing things it, it would have been easy for me to ask him to grab a bag and help me.  Instead I just let him keep me company, and turn on some football games.

Day 21


jWe rarely have some free days off where we have nothing planned.  First part of the morning was nice getting to sleep in, which is definitely a rare occasion.


Then we had a giftcard from our birthdays for a nice meal so we decided to take it and use it for lunch.  We headed over to Olive Garden for some quality time together with a decent meal.


I gave him the option to pop into the store that he used to work out and say hi to his coworkers and even make the day about him by going to purchase some new sneakers.  He just wanted to relax and hang out though.

Day 22


So as I've mentioned in the previous day and probably some other past days, we don't get many days off.  Let alone many days where we have similar schedules.  For Columbus Day, he was off from work.  So I decided it would be nice to also get the day off.


While the weather didn't quite cooperate with us.  We still made it a day of being together.  We got another day to sleep in, and just spend the day curled up on the couch watch movies.


It something simple, but was a nice day of just spending time together without having anything planned.

Day 23


So he had mentioned to me several times about how his grandmother makes this really good tortellini soup.  Last time we went over to see them, I got the recipe, and decided yesterday I would make that for dinner.


Now tortellini soup typically has stewed tomatoes in it, and he's not a fan of tomatoes so I made sure to omit that one.


Sometimes just having that extra thought on what he might like over what sounds good to you goes an extra mile.  It shows that you wanted to put him first.  And maybe you'll find a new favorite food.

Day 24


Every night on his dinner break, he goes out to his car and eats dinner and calls me.  But tonight I was actually going to be over at his gram's place doing laundry.  Normally when I'm out, we will text on his dinner break.


But because I had good news to share with him, we broke the rule and chatted while he was on break.  Sometimes being on different schedules, it's nice when I get to hear his voice since during the day we only have a limited amount of time with each other.

Day 25


I guess you can say that today piggy backs a little off of yesterday.  He ended up getting a longer break than normal.  When I make my dinner I will typically still make enough so that he can take leftovers the next day to work.


This time we had enough time to have dinner together.  So the initial plan was that I made chicken and cream of mushroom soup in the crockpot with rice to bring and eat in the parking lot. 


When I got there, we decided that might be too messy and instead saved the dinner for another time and went out to eat.  Still getting that time together.

Day 26


Today's is something small.  Every Saturday, he typically wakes up early in the morning and comes to work with me.  This Saturday, I could tell that he was rather tired.  So, not that he needed my permission, but I wanted to make sure he understood that it was okay if he didn't come to work with me.


He got the opportunity to sleep in that morning after working hard that week, and then we saw each other for most of that Saturday.  I love that he is willing to come to work with me, but I wanted to make sure he knew that I didn't expect it every week and wouldn't be mad if he didn't want to come one Saturday.

Day 27


Sometimes it's nice to take advantage of a low key day, and just let yourself enjoy the relaxation.  So we decided to spend most of our Sunday (before our plans Sunday evening) talking, watching movies, and cuddling.  


Having that time where you don't necessarily have anything specific planned and can just vedge can be rather refreshing.  It's some quality time together as well.

Day 28


Today falls on a rather unique occasion.  It is our 10 month anniversary.  Now while sometimes celebrating every month might seem excessive, we don't do big things each month.  It's just enough to recognize it.  After 1 year comes, we will begin specifically celebrating the more milestone anniversaries.


So tonight I decided to have his favorite dessert...chocolate pie made.  And then have the dining room table set up with candles for when he gets home from work.  I just thought it would be a cute little romantic thought to put a smile on his face.

Day 29


Today, take time to do something for the person you're in a relationship that you normally wouldn't.  Maybe it's s simple as beating them home to make dinner for them.  Or if you normally have a set routine, cancel something you have that day to give them a little extra quality time.  Just do something that shows them how much they mean to you and how much you want to spend time with them.

Day 30


Today's challenge is to let the person know that you are thinking of them.  For me I chose something as simple as a text.  He was at work and before he went on his dinner break, he wasn't having the greatest day.  


So after dinner and after I went to the gym, I just sent him a text saying that I hope he's having a good night and I'm thinking of him.  


It was definitely something that put a smile on his face and helped him rock out the last little bit of time at work before he went home.

Day 31


Now every night when I make my dinner, I will make enough so that he at least has dinner to take to work the next day.  Tonight I went over to his Gram's to do laundry (our washer and dryer still aren't set up), and had dinner over there.  I told him that if she had enough for leftovers, I would bring him some.  Unfortunately this was not the case.  So I decided that I would stop at wawa and pick him up something for tomorrow since I was not able to bring something home for him.

Day 32


Sometimes the most romantic thing isn't something you can buy or do for a person, but even just having a heart to heart conversation.  Take the time to learn some new things about the person, and let yourself be vulnerable.  Maybe even tell them something that you've never told anyone.  That will not only help you break any walls you have and want to break down for the person, but show them that you really do trust them.

Day 33


So today, we had a busy day.  We both had to work (he had a fuller day than I did) and then we were headed down to my sister's for a Fall party.  So at one point our plan was that he would drive back home and pick me up.  I got the idea that there had to be a better plan then him driving north to have to drive south again.


Now while it was a lot of driving for me, I worked it out that I would get to his work, and pick up his car.  Then at the end of his shift I would meet him at work to drive down to the party.  This saved him and extra half hour of driving.

The Brynn Project

Inspiring and motivating woman to feel and look their best.  From style and beauty tips to fitness motivation and lifestyle tips. 


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