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2014 Beauty Resolutions...Drink Water!

While this is the time where many people are working on trying to stick to their New Year’s resolution, one reason so many of us end up giving up is because we set too big a goal. The problem with setting to big of a goal is that we don’t know where to start sometimes and so the goal never becomes a reality or a habit. So I’m here to help you create a beauty resolution. Many of us, myself included, don’t drink enough water in the day. Even a resolution saying “drink more water” is too broad. So, I’m here to tell you how about how much water you should be having daily and some of the reasons why it’s important.

There’s a couple ways to determine how much water to drink. I’ve heard 8 8-oz. glasses a day and also half of what your body weight is in ounces. Rather than having to keep track of the number of glasses or ounces, the easiest way to do this is to get a refillable water bottle. Most seem to be around 24oz. As you finish each time, go a refill it. Then you are continuously drinking water.

Now that I’ve helped you determine how to make sure you’re drinking enough, let’s answer the question of why. To start, I’ll bring up the fact that it can help with the NUMBER 1 New Year’s resolution…WEIGHT LOSS. Often when you think that you’re hungry, you are actually thirsty. So rather than reaching for your favorite snack try reaching for a glass of water after all water is 0 calories compared to whatever you would have gone for. By realizing that it’s thirst over hunger first, chances are that you are satisfying that craving for what you thought was a need for food.

Drinking plenty of water isn’t just good internally, but it can show great results in your outer appearance. It helps to hydrate your skin because it flushes out the toxins in your body and also removes the dirt that clogs your pores. So while you may feel like your have to go to the bathroom more often, just keep in mind that all that water you consuming is removing any toxins in your body.

  • TIP: before you apply makeup try splashing your face with cold water. While it may not be tempting with the cold weather, it will shrink your pores. This will make your foundation look and stay smoother throughout the day.

  • ALSO, if you are someone that suffers from a lot of breakouts, try drinking hot lemon water first thing in the morning. It reduces the bacteria internally therefore lessening your breakouts. As a side perk the hot lemon water will wake you up so you don’t have to reach for that cup of coffee.

So maybe you’re skin is already pretty clear and the breakouts aren’t something of your concern. Well, drinking water also helps to keep you skin tight and toned. This means fewer chances for wrinkles. Our cells will with water which will cause them to push up against our skin leaving no room for gaps or anything else that can cause unsightly marks and flabby skin.

I mentioned in the tip about hot lemon water that it can wake you up. Well, sometimes while you may feel awake you’re body might say otherwise. One way to tell is by looking at our eyes. In many social situations the eyes are the first point of contact and so we want to make sure they are looking fresh and clear. Yes, drinking water is good for that too. It will help to make them white, clear, and sparkly. So yes, that twinkle that you thought only existed in TV shows when a guy and girl first meet can actually exist.

The final beauty point I’m going to bring up is your hair. In the winter especially our hair can dry out because of those comforting hot showers. As comfortable as they might be, they are not the best for your hair and skin unfortunately ladies. But you can make up for the damage that hot shower does by making sure you’re not taking too long of a shower and also drinking your recommended daily dose of water. That hydration will provide hydration to the cuticle layer of your hair and make it constricted. This means that your hair will lay flatter and look smoother and silkier.

So join me for the beauty resolution and drink more water. Make sure that you stay hydrated for your body, your skin, and you hair.

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The Brynn Project

Inspiring and motivating woman to feel and look their best.  From style and beauty tips to fitness motivation and lifestyle tips. 


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