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Beauty Is More Than Just The Number on the Scale

I’ll be honest and say that I have been sitting on this topic for a while wondering when the right time to write this was. Then a personal experience happened, and became the inspiration and perfect timing for this. I found myself relying too much on weighing myself after each gym workout, but also becoming discouraged when the number wasn’t reflecting what I wanted to see.

Beauty is so much more than the number on the scale. It comes in all shapes and sizes. It is rooted deep inside of us and then reflect outward. When I think about this, I’m reminded of a picture a friend once showed me of a scale and written on the scale is everything that the number does not tell you.

In that picture it says that number on the scale doesn't tell you:

  • What a great person you are.

  • How much your friends and family love you.

  • That you are kind, smart, funny, and amazing in ways numbers cannot define.

  • That you have the power to choose happiness.Your own self-worth.

It’s important to remember that if we choose to step on a scale, that result is just a number. That result doesn’t say how healthy we are and it doesn’t say what kind of person we are. It just tells us this one number.

Many of us (and this is from the norms of society) feel that we’d be happier if we lost 10 pounds or if we had the trendiest clothes, but think about this. If you lost that 10 pounds or got those designer clothes would you definitely be happier? Happiness comes from more than the clothes on our back or the way we look.

In truth, for those of you who are exercise fiends, that number on the scale is misleading. You are working hard and yes you are losing fat but at the same time you are gaining muscle. So while your body is changing and slimming down, the number on the scale may not change at all or it may increase by a pound or two.

So, I have a challenge for you.

Don’t let yourself think about that number on the scale. When you wake up in the morning or you finish your workout, avoid stepping on that scale for one month. Rather than focusing on the number, focus on the changes you see in your body.

  • Do your clothes fit differently?

  • Does your body seem more toned?

  • Do you have more energy?

  • Are you happy when you look in the mirror?

The way you answer those questions can be so much more rewarding than stepping on a scale. We are all uniquely designed; no one is made to be exactly the same. So don’t get caught up in comparing yourself to your peers or your favorite celebrity because YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!

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The Brynn Project

Inspiring and motivating woman to feel and look their best.  From style and beauty tips to fitness motivation and lifestyle tips. 


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