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How To Get Those Flawless Hollywood Curls

How many times have you seen a picture of a celebrity in a magazine, online, or on the red carpet and they have these gorgeous wavy curls? Then you decide to try for that look and somehow it just doesn’t turn out the same way.

Well, I have a little trick to getting those perfect Hollywood curls. All it takes is a ½ inch flat iron with rounded edges and a little hairspray (I prefer Suave Professionals Touchable Curls).

It’s a couple easy steps that just take time to learn. The first time you try this might take a while to do the whole head, but the more you practice then the shorter the time it will take to do your hair.

To start, I like to separate my hair into layers. This works really well, especially if you have a lot of hair. It also doesn’t make it that intimidating and you can see each piece that needs to be curled. With the first layer, I spray it with hairspray and then brush/comb the hairspray through.

Next, you want to take a small piece of hair. The amount of hair depends on the kind of hair you have, but if you grab a piece to big then the curl won’t come out quite as nicely. The size of the piece might be something you want to experiment with, but remember keep it small.

With that piece, place the flat iron about ¾ of the way up the piece. Make sure you don’t place it right at the top because this will make the next couple steps a little easier.

Then, take that same piece of hair and fold it over the flat iron. So you should have the flat iron on the hair and the hair should be wrapped on the top of the flat iron as if you’re throwing a scarf over you shoulder.

From this point, roll the flat iron up the piece of hair 360 degrees or one full turn. You should by this point have hair sticking out of the clamped portion and facing down.

To finish, pull the flat iron down the hair. You can go slowly or a little quick. Depending on the quality of your hair and what kinds of treatments you have had done, there may be a little resistance. If there is a little resistance, you can use your hand to help tap it down the hair.

Once you reach the bottom of the piece of hair, curl the end under to complete the last curl and release the flat iron. You now have a perfect curl.

Keep doing this for each piece in that layer, spray it with hairspray, and then move onto the next layer and repeat the process. Once you have your whole head complete, this next step might sound a little counterproductive but it works. You are going to brush your hair…yes, after all that work you will brush your hair. The curls will not come out, I promise.

After you brush your hair your last step is to take your fingers and twist some of the curls back into place. Within 5 minutes your curls will be intact and you will have gorgeous Hollywood curls.

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The Brynn Project

Inspiring and motivating woman to feel and look their best.  From style and beauty tips to fitness motivation and lifestyle tips. 


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