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Want Perfect Skin? Here's One Important Secret!

One of the most coveted beauty traits by women of all ages is that naturally clear, glowing, and healthy-looking skin. As important as doing things like using a good moisturizer and washing off our makeup before bed, what’s also important is our diet.

Think about it! When you aren’t eating your best, whether it’s that bag of chips or eating those fast foods, we tend to have less energy and that is also reflected on our skin. One way this shows is through those pesky little pimples.

Here are 6 food groups that contain acne-fighting food properties. Use these as a guideline next time you go to the grocery store.

Salmon and walnuts. Each of these contains omega-3 fatty acids which are helpful for giving skin that almost instant glow. Not only will you get an instant glow, but if a blemish does happen to appear, it won’t be as red. That’s right. These kinds of foods reduce inflammation.

Cherries, berries, green tea, and spinach. The common factor here = antioxidants. The good thing about antioxidants and these foods is that they attack those elements in the body that cause breakouts and other kinds of skin damage.

  • Suggestion: make a strawberry banana smoothie with vanilla yogurt and add spinach to it. You won’t taste the spinach, BUT you’ll get all the benefits of it. Just ignore the green color of your smoothie and drink away.

Melons, oranges, tomatoes, and strawberries. The Vitamin C in each of these foods can help strengthen your immune system. Another benefit of Vitamin C is that it can help prevent acne scarring.

  • Also, strawberries are known as a natural sunblock. This doesn’t mean fore go the SPF, but adding strawberries into your regular diet will be added sun protection.

Almonds, onions, garlic, and whole grains. Each of these contains a powerful antioxidant called Selenium, which helps to preserve the skin’s elasticity.

Nuts, soybeans, leafy greens, almonds, and eggs. All of these are a great source of Vitamin E, which can help protect against scarring and skin damage.

Water. Drink plenty of water every day. Not only is it good to stay hydrated, but water and foods with high water content can help to flush toxins out of the body.

Every item on this list is something that can be found in any grocery store, and can fit into anyone’s nutritious lifestyle. By incorporating some of these foods on a regular basis and cutting back on those processed junk foods, you will not only start to see a difference in your waistline but your skin will thank you for it.

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